The Family Transition Company

Divorce IS Your Business

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The Family Transition Company was founded to reduce the impact of divorce on the UK economy and the thousands of employees that go through divorce each year.

Do you have a Family Transition Policy?

British businesses are losing more than £50bn a year as a result of divorce and separation!

We believe that the divorce process can be executed better, without destroying a person and their family emotionally and financially. Divorce doesn’t just hurt families – it hurts companies too!

Even a small company with 100 employees on an average salary of £25,000 stand to lose £230,000 a year. Can you afford to lose that every year?

Employers may offer discounts on legal services or provide access to mental health counsellors through employee assistance programmes. BUT, divorce isn’t a mental health crisis, it’s not even a legal crisis. It’s a life crisis, and The Family Transition Company can help both employers and employees have a more positive experience.

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Studies show than an employee can lose 40% of the their productivity when going through a divorce for an average of 2 years. 10% of divorcing people either quit their job or are asked to leave.

Burnout and Stress

Divorce, second only to death, is the most stressful and complicated event in life and it can be contagious. The negative energy can spread until it becomes toxic, negatively impacting your people’s productivity through absenteesim, presenteeism, and resignations.

When this happens, your HR team are left to tackle a complex issue they are not trained to manage. The Family Transition Company can provide resources and tools to help your team successfully navigate the fall-out of divorce in the workplace.

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Divorce is the most expensive operating cost you don’t know you have. Let us help you and your employees get back on track.

Through our support programmes, we can reduce the impact of divorce on your company’s culture and bottom line: divorce awareness, sensitivity, and compassion lunch and learn programmes, corporate divorce coach training, and/or access to our team of professional divorce coaches. The choice is yours. Can you afford to lose thousands, if not millions from your bottom line?

How much is divorce costing your organisation?

Contact us now to find out

1. Divorce awareness, compassion and sensitivity training.

Raising Awareness of the emotional and financial effects of divorce should be a top priority for all employers

We train your HR and staff welfare team on how to approach divorce in the workplace. We educate your team about the complexities and challenges an employee may be facing and provide solutions, recommendations and resources for employees and their supervisors through this traumatic event. We can raise awareness of the red flags that indicate an employee may be struggling emotionally and cognitively, and give practical tips on how to approach and support the employee.

Don’t bury your head in the sand any longer. We will help you embrace a challenging life event that people usually suffer in secret. Let us help you, support your employees through their divorce rather than let their stress and emotional turmoil wreak havoc on your workplace. With this training, we can help you create a happy, healthy, and safe working environment where people in any stage of life can thrive.

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2. Family Transition Champions

In-house Family Transition Champions

We can create Family Transition Champions in your workplace. We can help you build your supportive workplace culture by training your people. Divorce is a highly complex system that is different for every person experiencing it. It is difficult to navigate on your own, but, with the help of a highly skilled professional in-house divorce coach, people experiencing divorce will feel supported, better understood and will become very loyal employees. Less than 10% of people going through divorce felt they had been sympathetically understood and supported.

Our accredited training programme can provide the tools, techniques and empathetic understanding necessary for your employees to feel understood and supported.

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3. Access to a team of highly skilled professional divorce coaches

We know the system from the inside out. We are here to help your employees through their divorce. We will act as their ‘thinking partner’. If you don’t have an in-house Family Transition Champion, we can match your employees individual needs with a professional divorce coach chosen through our comprehensive intake process. Our coaches will help keep your employees out of overwhelm and give them the strategies and confidence to get through the system and thrive, not just survive.

Our coaching team include

  • Former family Lawyers
  • Mediators
  • Mental health professionals
  • High conflict experts
  • Cultural experts
  • Parenting experts
  • Financial experts
  • Menopause experts
  • Psychologists
  • Executive coaches

Our coaches will support your employee from start to finish. They will have a plan and will feel empowered to get through the process successfully. We can save them time, money and stress. Ultimately, your employee will function more effectively and efficiently in work and become more loyal to your company.

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4. Bespoke Family Transition Policies

Tailored to your organisational needs

Do you have a Family Transition Policy? Our Policy has government approval and can be tailored to your exact needs. Our HR Consultant can save you time and effort with our white labelled policy document that shows how a Family Transition Policy should be linked to other Family Friendly Policies

Contact us to get started

Call us on 0203 576 5344

P-CBN Consulting LLP: A company registered in England and Wales OC444437. Trading as The Family Transition Company